On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 7:25 pm, Pirate Praveen <prav...@onenetbeyond.org> wrote:
I'm trying to build 3.11.1 version (latest) but the build system seems unnecessarily complicated. They have a Gruntfile but is not easily clear how to run just the build task (gulp dist looked like the answer but it did not really work, then there is build/rollup.js, which runs fine but the produced cjs file is dist does not really find the other files in lib). May be we should just use our own rollup.config.js to build it.

Finally managed to build less.js 3.11 with babeljs and pushed it to master-3 and upstream-3 branches. This branch is just a proof of concept at this point. You can adapt and test/imporve it further.

I was able to successfully build katex.less with lessc command from this package.

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