On 19. May 2020, at 17.34, Joseph Nahmias <j...@nahmias.net> wrote:
> I have my machine configured to run fetchmail via cron, which retrieves my
> emails from various different services. My .forward then sends all mail 
> through
> procmail, for filtering, sorting into folders, etc... Procmail then calls the
> dovecot-lda program to actually deliver the mail using the .procmailrc config
> line DELIVER="/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d $LOGNAME". I can then access my mail
> via dovecot using a standard IMAP client.
> The problem:
> I recently upgrade my machine from stretch to buster, bringing with it a new
> version of dovecot. Now, the fetchmail cron job is throwing errors like the
> following:
> lda($USER,)Error: net_connect_unix(/var/run/dovecot/stats-writer) failed: 
> Permission denied
> I see that the stats-writer socket is owned by root:dovecot with 0660
> permissions. Should the dovecot-lda program be set as setgid dovecot to allow
> it to write to the socket? How is this socket really used? Are there any
> security considerations I should be aware of prior to doing this?

In newer versions you could disable this with "stats_writer_socket_path=" but 
not with v2.3.4.

I don't recommend setting dovecot-lda as setgid - it's not hardened for it. A 
safer way is to just make stats-writer world-writable, there's not that much 
harm that anyone can do with it (just mess up statistics and maybe cause it to 
waste memory / crash).

service stats {
  unix_listener tats-writer {
    mode = 0666

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