Source: scipy
Followup-For: Bug #957780

The error is

gfortran:f77: scipy/sparse/linalg/eigen/arpack/ARPACK/SRC/dsaitr.f
gfortran:f77: scipy/sparse/linalg/eigen/arpack/ARPACK/SRC/cnaitr.f

  369 |             call dvout (logfil, 1, rnorm, ndigit,
      |                                   2
  671 |             call dvout (logfil, 2, xtemp, ndigit,
      |                                   1
Error: Rank mismatch between actual argument at (1) and actual argument at (2) 
(scalar and rank-1)

likewise l.743, and cnaitr.f ll.383,666,737

Something to do with rnorm being declared as scalar (Double precision)
but dvout requiring an array, albeit dimension 1 (which would be rnorm(1) ).

Looks like previously gfortran treated scalars as arrays of dimension 1,
but GCC-10 must have changed the handling.

Some discussion at
says netlib source needs -std=legacy to compile.

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