Control: reassign -1 wnpp

On Ma, 19 mai 20, 23:27:13, Filippo Rusconi wrote:
> Source: toppic
> Section: science
> Priority: optional
> Maintainer: The Debichem Group <>
> Uploaders: Filippo Rusconi <>
> Build-Depends: debhelper-compat (= 12),
>                dpkg-dev (>= 1.18.25),
>                cmake (>= 3.12)
> Standards-Version: 4.5.0
> Homepage:
> Vcs-Browser:
> Vcs-Git:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: wishlist
> Owner: Filippo Rusconi <>
> ~~~~
> I intend to package the toppic software that is necessary to perform mass
> spectrometry-based protein identifications. 
> This software will become essential in my own laboratory research, along with
> other software packages that I created and that I already maintain with the
> debichem team.
> I will maintain the package within the debichem team.
> Package: toppic
> Architecture: any
> Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, 
>          ${misc:Depends}
> Description: Top-down proteoform identification and characterization
>  The TopPIC Suite consists of four software tools for the interpretation
>  of top-down mass spectrometry data: TopFD, TopPIC, TopMG, and TopDiff.
>  .
>  - TopFD (Top-down mass spectral Feature Detection) is a software tool for
>    top-down spectral deconvolution and a successor to MS-Deconv.  It groups
>    top-down spectral peaks into isotopomer envelopes and converts isotopomer
>    envelopes to monoisotopic neutral masses. In addition, it extracts 
> proteoform
>    features from LC-MS or CE-MS data.
> .
>  - TopPIC (Top-down mass spectrometry based Proteoform Identification and
>    Characterization) identifies and characterizes proteoforms at the proteome
>    level by searching top-down tandem mass spectra against a protein sequence
>    database. TopPIC is a successor to MS-Align+. It efficiently identifies
>    proteoforms with unexpected alterations, such as mutations and
>    post-translational modifications (PTMs), accurately estimates the 
> statistical
>    significance of identifications, and characterizes reported proteoforms 
> with
>    unknown mass shifts. It uses several techniques, such as indexes, spectral
>    alignment, generation function methods, and the modification identification
>    score (MIScore), to increase the speed, sensitivity, and accuracy.
>  .
>  - TopMG (Top-down mass spectrometry based proteoform identification using 
> Mass
>    Graphs) is a software tool for identifying ultra-modified proteoforms by
>    searching top-down tandem mass spectra against a protein sequence 
> database. It
>    is capable of identifying proteoforms with multiple variable PTMs and
>    unexpected alterations, such as histone proteoforms and phosphorylated 
> ones. It
>    uses mass graphs, which efficiently represent candidate proteoforms with
>    multiple variable PTMs, to increase the speed and sensitivity in proteoform
>    identification. In addition, approximate spectrum-based filtering methods 
> are
>    employed for protein sequence filtering, and a Markov chain Monte Carlo 
> method
>    (TopMCMC) is used for estimating the statistical significance of
>    identifications.  
>  .
>  - TopDiff (Top-down mass spectrometry-based identification of Differentially
>    expressed proteoforms) compares the abundances of proteoforms and finds
>    differentially expressed proteoforms by using identifications of top-down 
> mass
>    spectrometry data of several protein samples.
> Regards,
> Filippo
> -- 
> ⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀  Filippo Rusconi, PhD
> ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁   Research scientist at CNRS
> ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀   Debian Developer
> ⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀

Looking after bugs filled against unknown packages

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