Control: forwarded -1

Hi Helmut,

On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 09:35:10PM +0200, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> I looked and the process is waaay to beyond what I can do. I'm not up to
> consenting to a 10-page TOS for a 5-line patch. Sorry.
> The 5-page CLA doesn't make this any better. Not a friendly project to
> contribute to.

OK, that is understandable.

> Your suggestion to explicitly license it under BSD seems much more
> reasonable to me. Let's do that. However, given that I find you much
> more trustworthy than QT upstream, I think that there is an even simpler
> option: Please treat the patch I sent to this bug as yours. You may
> claim authorship. I think legally that means I transfer whatever
> copyright I may have on this particular patch to you after licensing it
> under BSD.

I have now submitted this patch to Gerrit, see forwarded link. Let's see
what upstream thinks about it.

Also I simplified the unixmake2.cpp part of the patch a bit. The logic
should stay the same as in your patch.

Dmitry Shachnev

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