Control: retitle -1 src:python-coverage: New upstream version 5.1
Control: severity -1 wishlist
Control: block -1 by 961348

On 24-May-2020, Pierre-Elliott Bécue wrote:

> It lacks two dependencies for being built, that I've packaged and
> which are in NEW.

Thank you for acting to package the new dependencies.

I have now marked this bug report (for version 5.1 of
blocked by the remaining missing dependency, ‘sphinx-tabs’.

> Would you agree with me doing a NMU or could you take care of it? I
> can upload my changes in your salsa repo in a specific branch if you
> wish.

I have a partial implementation now, waiting on the dependencies to
appear before I can progress.

 \           “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their |
  `\     home.” —Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital |
_o__)                                            Equipment Corp., 1977 |
Ben Finney <>

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