Control: tags -1 + patch

On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 20:58:43 +0200 Joachim Reichel wrote:

> tag 962236 + upstream
> forwarded 962236
> thanks
> Hi Francesco,

Hello Joachim,

> thanks for your report.

Thanks for your prompt reply!   :-)

> I forwarded it as bug (or rather feature request) #58504.


I managed to better understand the Perl code that handles the
interaction between normalize-ogg and normalize-audio.

I have just prepared a patch that fixes the bug.
I am attaching it to this message.
It's simple enough and should therefore not be covered by copyright.
In case it turns out to be copyrighted, it's released under the same
terms as normalize-ogg (that is to say: GNU GPL v2 or later).

With my patch applied, I get:

  $ normalize-ogg -a -7.5dBFS --tmpdir /dev/shm -b -n -v -v *.ogg
  Decoding track01.ogg...
  Decoding track02.ogg...
  Decoding track03.ogg...
  Decoding track04.ogg...
  Decoding track05.ogg...
  Decoding track06.ogg...
  Decoding track07.ogg...
  Decoding track08.ogg...
  Decoding track09.ogg...
  Decoding track10.ogg...
  Decoding track11.ogg...
  Decoding track12.ogg...
  Running normalize...
  Computing levels...
    level        peak
  -6.8533dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track01.ogg.11643.wav
  -8.0583dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track02.ogg.11643.wav
  -7.1047dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track03.ogg.11643.wav
  -7.2339dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track04.ogg.11643.wav
  -7.7699dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track05.ogg.11643.wav
  -7.1890dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track06.ogg.11643.wav
  -8.0084dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track07.ogg.11643.wav
  -7.6048dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track08.ogg.11643.wav
  -7.4123dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track09.ogg.11643.wav
  -7.5195dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track10.ogg.11643.wav
  -8.1773dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track11.ogg.11643.wav
  -7.5512dBFS  0.0000dBFS   /dev/shm/track12.ogg.11643.wav
  Standard deviation is 0.39 dB
  -7.5314dBFS  average level
  0.031363dB   volume adjustment

which is what I wanted to see.

Please note that I had to pass the "-v" option twice, since
normalize-ogg adds the "--frontend" option, thus decreasing the default
verbosity of normalize-audio.

By the way, maybe the same modification could be applied even for the
code that deals with the "not mix or batch mode", around line 765...

Please test the patch and forward it upstream, if you agree.
Thank you so much for your kind help!

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
 GnuPG key fpr == CA01 1147 9CD2 EFDF FB82  3925 3E1C 27E1 1F69 BFFE

Attachment: normalize-ogg_showstats.diff.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: pgp4f19OmtEgj.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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