Source: msmtp
Source-Version: 1.8.8-1
Severity: wishlist


I was trying to use the keepassxc Secret Service integration support
with msmtp, when I realized this is only provided with the msmtp-gnome
package which diverts the program with a rebuild of the binary with
libsecret support.

This was a bit surprising as the documentation talks about this being
supported and the preferred option, and I understand the Secret Service
is a cross-desktop specification intended to be implemented by various
tools (such as GNOME Keyring, KDE Wallet or even KeePassXC). In this
case I do not use GNOME, so installing msmtp-gnome pulls in stuff that
I do not need, and the name is a bit confusing. :)

The libsecret dependency seems lightweight, and not really GNOME
specific (well it pulls in glib but that's pretty common nowadays), so
could this be provided in the main package, avoiding the double build
and diversion?

The "gnome" dependency looks more like a Recommends to me anyway than a
hard depends. That could then be done instead in the main msmtp binary
package as:

  Recommends: keepassxc | seahorse | kwalletmanager

or similar? If the user already has GNOME installed then seahorse will
satisfy it, otherwise if KDE is installed kwalletmanager, and lastly
keepassxc would be pulled in.


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