Philipp Marek <> wrote:

> I'd have expected it to be event-triggered, so that no polling
> would be necessary - seems I'm wrong.

I don’t know enough about X11 programming to be sure, but it probably
needs to do this in order to catch modifier key state in events sent to
other windows.

Still, it is ridiculous to poll for events a thousand times a second. I
think 10 times a second would be a more reasonable match for normal
human response times.

Turns out key-mon was written for Python 2 and GTK 2, and has not been
maintained in a long time. I did some work on it as of today to update
it to Python 3 and GTK 3, and the current state of my version is
here <>. Almost certainly needs a bit more
testing. At some point I might suggest replacing the Debian package
with my version, if no-one else can offer anything better.

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