Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Nilesh Patra <>

* Package name    : yanagiba
  Version         : 1.0.0
  Upstream Author : Adam Taranto
* URL             :
* License         : Expat
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Filters low quality Oxford Nanopore reads basecalled
with Albacore

 Yanagiba is used to filter short or low quality
 Oxford Nanopore reads which have been basecalled
 with Albacore. It takes fastq.gz and an Albacore
 summary file as input. If no Albacore summary file
 is provided attempt to calculate mean qscore from
 directly from fastq file using NanoMath. Note:
 Calculated quality scores appear to be lower
 for reads called with Metrichor, you may need
 to lower your minqual setting in this case.

I take the responsibility to maintain this package.

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