On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 10:14:04PM +1000, Hugh McMaster wrote:
> Hi Guido,
> On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 at 22:00, Guido Günther wrote:
> > this looks as if `import-orig` looks on your pristine-tar branch and
> > does not find a signature there (but already finds a pristine-tar
> > commit)
> Well spotted. This time I removed all commits from master, upstream
> and pristine-tar branches, effectively rolling back to FreeType
> 2.10.2-1.
> I then ran `uscan` and the `gbp import-orig` commands. Things progress
> far further, as you identified, but still fail on signatures.

ahh...i see you're using component tarballs - that's likely the problem.
Could you add


so we get an idea what signature file gbp is looking for?
 -- Guido

> Hugh

> hugh@debian:~/freetype2/freetype2$ gbp import-orig --pristine-tar 
> --upstream-signatures=on --component=ft2docs --component=ft2demos --verbose 
> ../freetype_2.10.2.orig.tar.xz
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--is-bare-repository']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--git-dir']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'for-each-ref', '--format=%(refname:short)', 'refs/heads/']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'show-ref', '--verify', 'refs/heads/upstream']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'status', '--porcelain']
> gbp:debug: Signature ../freetype_2.10.2.orig.tar.xz found for 
> ../freetype_2.10.2.orig.tar.xz.asc
> What is the upstream version? [2.10.2] 
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'tag', '-l', 'upstream/2.10.2']
> gbp:debug: tar ['-C', '../tmp6y3v7bnu', '-a', '-xf', 
> '../freetype_2.10.2.orig.tar.xz'] []
> gbp:debug: Unpacked '../freetype_2.10.2.orig.tar.xz' to 
> '../tmp6y3v7bnu/freetype-2.10.2'
> gbp:debug: tar ['-C', '/home/hugh/freetype2/tmp6y3v7bnu/tmp8ga_9fmp', '-a', 
> '-xf', '../freetype_2.10.2.orig-ft2docs.tar.xz'] []
> gbp:debug: rm ['-rf', '/home/hugh/freetype2/tmp6y3v7bnu/tmp8ga_9fmp'] []
> gbp:debug: tar ['-C', '/home/hugh/freetype2/tmp6y3v7bnu/tmp3edhdans', '-a', 
> '-xf', '../freetype_2.10.2.orig-ft2demos.tar.xz'] []
> gbp:debug: rm ['-rf', '/home/hugh/freetype2/tmp6y3v7bnu/tmp3edhdans'] []
> gbp:info: Importing '../freetype_2.10.2.orig.tar.xz' to branch 'upstream'...
> gbp:info: Source package is freetype
> gbp:info: Upstream version is 2.10.2
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'show-ref', '--verify', 'refs/heads/upstream']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify', 'upstream']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'add', '-f', '.']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'write-tree']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify', 'upstream']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'commit-tree', '069f35939ae25e85311a2c5546ca30c9a02d6a5b', 
> '-p', '2ed263c35c0bfd0f04b13ab506a30797d42890bd']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'update-ref', '-m', 'gbp: New upstream version 2.10.2', 
> 'refs/heads/upstream', '3c75500ae1cf03fc9d87d186e944f4ac9d969c10', 
> '2ed263c35c0bfd0f04b13ab506a30797d42890bd']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'show-ref', '--verify', 'refs/heads/pristine-tar']
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify', 'pristine-tar']
> gbp:error: ../freetype_2.10.2.orig-ft2docs.tar.xz does not have a signature 
> file
> gbp:error: Error detected, Will roll back changes.
> gbp:info: Rolling back branch upstream by resetting it to 
> 2ed263c35c0bfd0f04b13ab506a30797d42890bd
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'update-ref', '-m', 'gbp import-orig: failure rollback of 
> upstream', 'refs/heads/upstream', '2ed263c35c0bfd0f04b13ab506a30797d42890bd']
> gbp:info: Rolling back branch pristine-tar by resetting it to 
> b6f09b8023d1ba38f881befb5daf94a6572e9831
> gbp:debug: ['git', 'update-ref', '-m', 'gbp import-orig: failure rollback of 
> pristine-tar', 'refs/heads/pristine-tar', 
> 'b6f09b8023d1ba38f881befb5daf94a6572e9831']
> gbp:error: Rolled back changes after import error.
> gbp:debug: rm ['-rf', '../tmp6y3v7bnu'] []

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