On Tue, 23 Jun 2020 18:59:25 -0700 Dima Kogan
<dmitriy.ko...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
>   $ sudo sysdig ...
>   sysdig: symbol lookup error: sysdig: undefined symbol: 
> _ZN9grpc_impl23CreateCustomChannelImplERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKSt10shared_ptrINS_18ChannelCredentialsEERKNS_16ChannelArgumentsE
> This sounds like #955279, but even if it is, there should be a
> Conflicts, or something, to prevent me from getting into that state. In
> any case, I just

Updating the gprc library was probably the thing that fixed it; there
was a bad libgrpc version.  AFAIK you shouldn't need the libgrpc++-dev
package to run sysdig.

> And now it segfaults again:
>   $ sudo sysdig
>   zsh: segmentation fault  sudo sysdig

Hm, this is strange.  I've tested this a couple of different ways,
including on a clean sid box and a sid box with libc downgraded to the
same version as on your machine, but I can't recreate the error.

Would it be possible for you to use rr to capture a dump of the segfault for me?


Harlan Lieberman-Berg

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