Package: cron
Severity: normal

Dear Debian cron maintainer,
the manpage-l10n project maintains a large number of translations of
man pages both from a large variety of sources (including cron) as
well for a large variety of target languages.

During their work translators notice different possible issues in the
original (english) man pages. Sometimes this is a straightforward
typo, sometimes a hard to read sentence, sometimes this is a
convention not held up and sometimes we simply do not understand the

We use several distributions as sources and update regularly (at
least every 2 month). This means we are fairly recent (some
distributions like archlinux also update frequently) but might miss
the latest upstream version once in a while, so the error might be
already fixed. We apologize and ask you to close the issue immediately
if this should be the case, but given the huge volume of projects and
the very limited number of volunteers we are not able to double check
each and every issue.

Secondly we translators see the manpages in the neutral po format,
i.e. converted and harmonized, but not the original source (be it man,
groff, xml or other). So we cannot provide a true patch (where
possible), but only an approximation which you need to convert into
your source format.

Finally the issues I'm reporting have accumulated over time and are
not always discovered by me, so sometimes my description of the
problem my be a bit limited - do not hesitate to ask so we can clarify

I'm now reporting the errors for your project. If future reports
should use another channel, please let me know. I tried to mail upstream, 
but the e-mail adress given in the sources no longer work.

Man page: cron.8
Issue: Odd formatting of »mail command«

"B<crond> [B<-c> | B<-h> | B<-i> | B<-n> | B<-p> | B<-P> | B<-s> | B<-"

Man page: cron.8
Issue: B<sendmail>(8) → B<sendmail>(8).

"This option allows you to specify a shell command to use for sending I<Cron> "
"mail output instead of using B<sendmail>(8)  This command must accept a "
"fully formatted mail message (with headers) on standard input and send it as "
"a mail message to the recipients specified in the mail headers.  Specifying "
"the string I<off> (i.e., crond -m off)  will disable the sending of mail."
Man page: cron.8
Issue 1: out of → outside of
Issue 2: is needed to change pam → it is needed to change a PAM

"Tells the daemon to run in the foreground.  This can be useful when starting "
"it out of init. With this option is needed to change pam setting.  I</etc/"
"pam.d/crond> must not enable I<> module."
Man page: cronnext.1
Issue: montly → monthly

"Do not consider the system crontab, usually the I</etc/crontab> file.  The "
"system crontab usually contains the hourly, daily, weekly and montly "
"crontabs, which might be better dealt with B<anacron>(8)."
Man page: crontab.1
Issue: use B<crontab.> → use B<crontab>.

"Scheduling cron jobs with B<crontab> can be allowed or disallowed for "
"different users.  For this purpose, use the I<cron.allow> and I<cron.deny> "
"files.  If the I<cron.allow> file exists, a user must be listed in it to be "
"allowed to use B<crontab>.  If the I<cron.allow> file does not exist but the "
"I<cron.deny> file does exist, then a user must I<not> be listed in the "
"I<cron.deny> file in order to use B<crontab.> If neither of these files "
"exist, then only the super user is allowed to use B<crontab>."
Man page: crontab.1
Issue: to use the crontab → to use B<crontab>

"If both files exist then I</etc/cron.allow> takes precedence.  Which means "
"that I</etc/cron.deny> is not considered and your user must be listed in I</"
"etc/cron.allow> in order to be able to use the crontab."
Man page: crontab.1
Issue: if, they exist, →  , if they exist,

"The files I</etc/cron.allow> and I</etc/cron.deny> if, they exist, must be "
"either world-readable, or readable by group ``crontab''. If they are not, "
"then cron will deny access to all users until the permissions are fixed."
Man page: crontab.5
Issue: pound-sign → hash sign

"Blank lines, leading spaces, and tabs are ignored.  Lines whose first non-"
"white space character is a pound-sign (#) are comments, and are not "
"processed.  Note that comments are not allowed on the same line as cron "
"commands, since they are considered a part of the command.  Similarly, "
"comments are not allowed on the same line as environment variable settings."
Man page: crontab.5

"Several environment variables are set up automatically by the B<cron>(8)  "
"daemon.  I<SHELL> is set to /bin/sh, and I<LOGNAME> and I<HOME> are set from "
"the /etc/passwd line of the crontab\\'s owner.  I<HOME> and I<SHELL> can be "
"overridden by settings in the crontab; LOGNAME can not."

      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann           
        64bit GNU powered                     gpg signed mail preferred
           Help keep free software "libre":

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