Eitan Gurari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  > |   \label{eq:20}
>  > |   S = s_\mathrm{N} [\mathrm{N}] + s_\mathrm{U} [\mathrm{U}]
>  > | %  S = s_\text{N} [\text{N}] + s_\text{U} [\text{U}]
>  > with "mk4ht oolatex mini.tex",  I get:
>  > ! Argument of \new:mfont has an extra }.
>  > <inserted text> 
>  >                 \par 
>  > l.11   S = s_\mathrm{
>  >                      N} [\mathrm{N}] + s_\mathrm{U} [\mathrm{U}]
> Try using s_{\mathml{...}} instead of  s_\mathml{...}.  Unlike
> (la)tex, tex4ht insists that multi parts subscripts and superscripts
> should be braced. -eitan

Thank you very much, now the file is processed fine.  

There's still one problem: \mathrm is not in fact honored, i.e. the
letters are still italic, not upright in the Openoffice document.  The
other version with amslatex and \text does produce upright letters, and
that's the way I'd ordinarily do it, anyway (I used \mathrm only for the
minimal example).

Are there more cases like this where tex4ht is more strict than LaTeX?
Maybe this should be documented somewhere.

Many thanks again,
Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX)

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