Hi Helmut,

Thanks for the clarifications!

> make does not set up CC/CXX and the like. Unfortunately, we still
> support building packages via "./debian/rules binary". Thus there is
> no
> outer layer that could set up these variables in a reliable way.

Actually debian/rules is a Makefile itself and it does set CC/CXX/etc
to gcc/g++/etc by default or pass their values from env.

The part that was unclear for me was that the proper build
configuration is not yet known by debian/rules and is populated
inside dh_auto_build - I always thought that all these variables are
already known and somehow passed to debian/rules.

Thus overriding CC/CXX/etc before dh_auto_build is called is quite

> We have
> two choices here:
>  * include some other makefile to set up these variables.
>  * Do not use them. For instance, when you build with dh_auto_build,
>    it'll automatically append CC=... and CXX=... assignments to the
> make
>    invocation. It just doesn't know about CC_1.

I was trying to keep Makefile patching at minimum, because for this
project all Makefiles are generated by a custom tool and will most
probably differ significantly in future versions.

What sounds sane to me is to push a change upstream, that makes all the
makefiles honour CC/CXX/etc, including CFLAGS/LDFLAGS instead of

BTW what would be your recommendation - to upload again with a patch or
to wait for the upstream release that includes the fixes (ETA is a week
or two)?

> > I'd appreciate if you give me a pointer on how to setup a cross 

> I suppose that you either use sbuild or pbuilder. If that is the
> case,
> you already do have a cross build environment. Now all you do is pass

Thanks! Will try that.

With best regards,

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