Package: libconfig-model-dpkg-perl
Severity: normal


Your package is the only known consumer of Lintian's internal Perl
modules. We would like to stop shipping our modules in the Perl system
path. Here is another way to get the information you require.

Your package loads a default Lintian profile [1] and uses the
Lintian::Data mechanism to get the policy release dates from
data/standard-version/release-dates [2]. It may be tempting to use a
simpler parser, but please consider that the information actually
originates somewhere else.


Attached is a script that extracts the release dates from the policy
changelog. It uses the network. The data will always be current.

More information may be available in Bug#903220, which caused you to
use Lintian in the first place.

For some time, Lintian has had issues with outdated modules loading
from the system path. Starting with the next release, Lintian will in
addition ship its Perl modules in a private location.

Please let us know when we can stop shipping our modules in the Perl
system path. Thank you!

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

Attachment: get-policy-release-dates.xz
Description: application/xz

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