Control: forwarded -1

On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 07:57:00PM +0200, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
> Adding this to element-desktop.profile made the Permission denied error
> go away, but it still didn't start:
> whitelist /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/dconf/profile/user
> So it seems the /dev/shm error is the notable one. I tried adding
> "ignore nodbus" at the end of element-desktop.profile, at the beginning
> of element-desktop.profile, and both. None of those changed the /dev/shm
> error. And Element never started.

Hm, that is weird, as I also have the same error about /dev/shm, but for
me element is starting (at least it shows a tray icon, and I can open
the main window; though it stays white (probably for a different reason
as it behaves the same without firejail)).

I initially had the problem that the tray icon was not shown because of
nodbus, maybe due to some other reason your WM/DE does not show the tray

Otherwise I'm currently out of ideas where the problem could be.


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