Hi Thorsten,

On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 10:51:23PM +0200, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> That’s because I did a massive hack using versions of
> Haskell from snapshot.d.o and some self-compiled intermediate
> (read: old) versions to make pandoc installable-ish on x32.
> I did the unspeakable there thus…

This is the bit I was somehow missing in the discussion. Thanks for your
effort here.

> This state will not last, and it’s unclear if it even works right.


I don't think this is only a topic of bootstrapping. We actually don't
bootstrap that often and requiring a bit of effort seems reasonable. It
really is a topic of keeping the archive up to date with reasonable
effort. If a package becomes bd-uninstallable repeatedly and requires
this bootstrap-ish effort (per architecture), then something is wrong.
It appears to me that this is the case here and this is what Adrian and
Thorsten complain about. I also looked into
https://bootstrap.debian.net/botch-native/amd64/stats.html and couldn't
find a cycle there. Maybe we should remove the bootstrapping argument
from the discussion?

This is not black and white. We're ultimately talking about trade-offs.
We're making this easier on one side and more difficult on the other or
vice versa.

What Adrian and Thorsten have proposed is the solution that makes it
effortless on the side of keeping the archive up to date. (It still
requires effort, but not necessarily with libmaxminddb.) The status quo
is maximizing features at the expense of porter time.

I think a key takeaway is that we will not have pandoc for all
architectures. Getting it built everywhere is beyond our capacity as
porters and package maintainers. It'll exist for release architectures,
but not for all ports. The wisdom that you should only list pandoc in
B-D-I certainly isn't new as a general rule of thumb and I think
Thorsten explained again why we have it.

Any solution where we still have pandoc in B-D-A, is a solution that
requires some effort from porters. This is why Adrian and Thorsten push
back here. They rightly do. For that reason, my nodoc proposal looks
like a non-solution to me. It is something that Adrian has already done
manually to work around the issue.

I've also attempted to convert the manual pages using ronn and the
output is rather unpleasant.

So let's look at the costs for the solution where we split off manual
pages. We'd add a binary package, yes. It contains two small manual
pages. libmaxminddb-dev also contains 14 manpage links, that would
likely move to the new package. This is still a small package, but the
cost of a small package to the archive is relatively small. Let me give
more examples where a technical matter resulted in a package split:
 * qt5-qmake -> qt5-qmake-bin was split for cross building.
 * libglib2.0-dev -> libglib2.0-dev-bin was split for cross building.
 * dropbear was split into dropbear-bin, dropbear-initramfs,
   dropbear-run to make the init and initramfs integration optional.
 * cryptsetup was similarly split.

This really is a common thing. Putting the .service/init.d files in a
different package is very similar to putting manual pages in a different
package to me.

I must admit that I find the trade-off proposed by Adrian and Thorsten
quite reasonable. I've also looked for more options, but none came to my

Faidon, can you elaborate on the costs of the split from your point of
view? It would seem quite cheap on the maintenance side to me.


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