* Guillem Jover <guil...@debian.org>, 2020-08-25, 11:26:
This seems to be an increasing regression in make:

I don't belive it is.

 $ cat a.mk
 include /usr/share/dpkg/architecture.mk
 (sid)$ time make -f a.mk
 real    0m0.824s
 user    0m0.702s
 sys     0m0.131s
 (buster)$ time make -f a.mk
 real    0m0.396s
 user    0m0.351s
 sys     0m0.054s

Hmm, I don't see any significant difference in speed between buster and sid chroots here. (Though curiously they are about twice as fast as my normal sid system.)

 (stretch)$ time make -f a.mk
 real    0m0.007s
 user    0m0.008s
 sys     0m0.000s

Yes, stretch is fast. But if I upgrade dpkg-dev to the current version, it's as slow as buster or sid.

Jakub Wilk

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