Sebastian Dr�ge dixit:

>That's a different problem though. I saw that one before on another
>platform (Raspberry Pi IIRC). There it was something broken
>in libsrtp2-1.

Ah, okay.

>You can probably confirm that by running
>  gst-inspect-1.0 
> debian/gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnux32/gstreamer-1.0/
>in gdb on that machine and getting a backtrace of the crash.

That machine is a buildd, so the chroot in which it happened
is long gone… but I can try to build it locally in cowbuilder
and check.

Support mksh as /bin/sh and RoQA dash NOW!
‣ src:bash (391 (417) bugs: 1 RC, 265 (284) I&N, 125 (132) M&W, 0 F&P)
‣ src:dash (85 (100) bugs: 0 RC, 44 (48) I&N, 41 (52) M&W, 0 F&P)
‣ src:mksh (0 bugs: 0 RC, 0 I&N, 0 M&W, 0 F&P)
dash has two RC bugs they just closed because they don’t care about quality…

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