Control: tags -1 - a11y
Control: tags -1 + wontfix

On Sat, 5 Sep 2020 at 00:48, 欧阳春晖 wrote:
> It is found that the package does not contain freetype config, while
> that of Ubuntu contains freetype config. This may be a packaging error.
> Please fix it

I'm removing the a11y tag, since your bug report has nothing do to
with accessibility.

While you are correct that libfreetype-dev doesn't contain
freetype-config, the fact the script isn't installed is not a bug.

The upstream developers deprecated freetype-config around 2.5 years
ago. Debian hasn't packaged freetype-config since. In fact, the most
recent Debian package to contain freetype-config is 2.6.3-3.2+deb9u1
in Debian Stretch (oldstable).

All of this is to say that freetype-config won't be coming back. You
need to use pkg-config to detect the FreeType 2 library.

PKG_CHECK_MODULES([FT2], [freetype2]) will work as a starting point.

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