Philip Hands @ 2020-09-21 (Monday), 22:38 (+0200)

BTW The example I pasted was just busybox running on my laptop running
full Debian, so was not supposed to be demonstrating it working under

I could likely have been more precise from the beginning about the exact cause. Sorry for making you required to ask for clarification.

This mixes the stdout of wget with the %OK% %EOF% stuff, and then puts
it all into the sed, which seems flawed.

And that is why you're a Debian developer and I'm merely a user. I agree.

I'd have thought something like this would do the trick (not tested yet):

local RETVAL=$(
    wget "$@" 2>&1 >/dev/null && echo 0 >&3
  } | {
    grep -q "$file_not_found_pattern" && echo 4 >&3
  } || echo 1 >&3
} 3>&1 | head -1

Looks good to me. As in, this code I can actually follow and understand. Which was a bit of a stretch for me to claim about for the sed construct.

I don't really understand why the tail would be needed, but am not objecting to it.

Replacing the RETVAL assignment expression as above works for me. Both from debian-installer and when running this simple test script in a shell:

 fetch-url http://pxeserver./preseed/base.txt base.txt >/dev/null
 [ $? = 0 ] || exit
 echo "Existing file downloaded"

 fetch-url http://pxeserver./non-existant.txt non-existant.txt >/dev/null
 [ $? = 4 ] || exit
 echo "Non-existing file returned 404"

 fetch-url http://invalid-host./whatever.txt invalid-host.txt >/dev/null
 [ $? = 1 ] || exit
 echo "Unresolvable host return general error"

One could of course use stderr for that (>&2 ... 2>&1) for getting the
echo-ed return codes out, rather than fd #3, but I think this is clearer
(since one really isn't trying to produce stderr output) and AFAIK it
should work fine even if /dev/fd/ is missing.

I agree. Nicely done!

I suspect there may be a way of getting this to work without the need
for a local variable and the echoing for the result codes, so I will
ponder on that...

Maybe it is, and if so it might include early return statements and thus save spawning grep on successful fetches. I reckon you could be happy and proud with the code you've posted already though.

BTW I just saw Ben's comment that we should just fix the missing /dev/fd
which strikes me as entirely sensible.

It's entirely sensible to also attempt fixing the root cause, but my opinion is that it wouldn't hurt to treat missing fd-nodes and an overcomplex wget404() as two separate issues. Please feel free to fork the bug report.

One could also envision adding a test case for detecting missing fd:s within some test suite for d-i. Are there any tests run on nightly builds, which could help catching regressions like these?

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