
On 25-09-2020 20:44, Paul Gevers wrote:
>>> Both packages are key packages [1], so will not be removed
>>> automatically. Please align how to fix the situation.
>> bleach needs to be upgraded to 3.2.1
> But is it possible that this new version of bleach must have a versioned
> dependency on html5lib? I see multiple regressions that all look the
> same (with the old html5lib, which is the one in testing):
> cannot import name 'attributeMap' from 'html5lib._tokenizer'

So far it seems that in testing the regressions seems to be fixed,
hinting very strongly at a missing versioning in the (test) relations.
If the correct version would be there, britney would take the right
packages combined from unstable and the test wouldn't fail in the way it
currently does. Does anybody know if this is "just" a test issue, or
this shows that the versioning should be done at the package level?


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