This one time, at band camp, McKenna, John P. (LIT) said:
> Sarg is segfaulting since I upgraded to this version, I've included part
> of an strace:

> munmap(0x4001b000, 4096)                = 0
> munmap(0x4001b000, 4096)                = 0
> --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---
> +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++

Looks suspiciously like a double free, at first guess.  I see nothing in
the changes between 2.1-2 and 2.1-4 that should have introduced that,
however.  A quick grep show only half a dozen or so calls to free(),
though, so hopefully it's not too hard to trtack down.
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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