Hi Scott,

Scott Kitterman <deb...@kitterman.com> writes:

> On May 2, 2020 4:17:20 AM UTC, Drew Parsons <dpars...@debian.org> wrote:
>>> pybuild will want to support it
>>Some discussion has started on the mailing list,
> As mentioned in the thread, there's a pybuild plugin for packages that use 
> flit to build based on pyproject.toml.  It's in git, staged for the next 
> upload.  The pep517 package can also build packages using pyproject.toml, but 
> it isn't, IMO, suitable for integration with pybuild because it's to heavy 
> weight.

I've been thinking of the approach of using something like Dephell to
convert from any of these:

to setup.py.  Assuming pyproject.toml becomes a widely adopted standard,
the future benefit for this package would become for Debianising
packages using less popular formats.

I'm not familiar with pep517, but Dephell (ITP #962574) also seems too
heavy weight for core usage like dh_python.  Increasingly upstreams
don't provide setup.py in their git repos, and PyPI releases often don't
have everything that is required to run autopkgtests, and I was forced
to choose the PyPI release with no autopkgtests.

While searching for info on if pep517 could be used to convert to
setup.py, I found pyproject2setuppy:

Something like this strikes me as a something that might meet our needs,
and it seems like a good opportunity for inter-distro collaboration!


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