Hi Robert--

thanks for the followup!

On Wed 2020-10-28 02:56:55 -0400, Robert Edmonds wrote:
> I've never been able to reproduce this bug, but your branch looks good
> to me as far as backporting this commit to 1.9.0. It's commit
> 225534e5ab22d16ab32fa1011733f3c69c7b28ba in the upstream repo which was
> released in 1.9.1. I don't have any objection if you want to propose a
> stable update for unbound with just this fix. Personally I've been
> keeping unbound in buster-backports up to date with testing lately and I
> don't have any buster machines running the version of unbound in buster
> :-)

Over on https://www.nlnetlabs.nl/bugs-script/show_bug.cgi?id=4227
upstream suggested two different things:

 - upgrade to 1.9.2, (which incorporates this and several other bugfixes), or

 - cherry-pick a list of other commits which they think are also
   relevant to this specific fix:


   and four more, related to spoolbuf:

I'm assuming that the release team would prefer that we go the latter
route (cherry-picked patches), but i haven't tried to get a direct
verdict from them on that.

I confess i don't really understand the way that unbound's buster
packaging is working -- i think it's neither git-dpm nor gbp -- so i
don't exactly know how i'd assemble an update for the next buster point
release without overhauling it.  (i'd be fine with overhauling it to use
gbp (as i think the unstable version of the packaging is) as long as
you're ok with that, but i also don't know whether that would make the
changes more unpleasant for the release team.

Any suggestions?


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