Control: tags -1 + confirmed

On Tue, 2020-11-03 at 13:02 +0100, Markus Koschany wrote:
> I would like to update the Firefox/Chromium addon ublock-origin in
> Buster. We have had several bug reports in the past about sandboxing
> problems in regard to ublock-origin like #946808, #954097, #923001,
> etc. As a consequence we build the separate browser-specific versions
> for Firefox and Chromium again. The new version would also update
> various blocklists and filters and improve the user experience.

The debdiff between 1.22.2 and 1.30.0 is predictably huge - "311 files
changed, 82663 insertions(+), 61606 deletions(-)".

Looking over the packaging changes, at least the debhelper bump will
need to be reverted, as buster has debhelper 12.

Assuming that's the only required change, please go ahead.

> Since ublock-origin is merely an addon there is no risk to break
> other unrelated packages. I have tested version 1.30.0+dfsg in Buster
> for both Firefox and Chromium and the addon works as expected.
> As outlined above this update introduces two new binary packages
> webext-ublock-origin-firefox and webext-ublock-origin-chromium. If
> approved, I assume the upload must include the binary packages and
> cannot be source only, correct ?

That's correct, yes, as the upload will hit bin-NEW.



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