On Tue, 2020-11-24 at 22:24:13 +0100, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> On 11/24/20 3:57 PM, Guillem Jover wrote:
> > This is the second time something like this has happened to me with
> > git-review, so what I'm getting is that you don't want to deal with
> > valid bug reports
> Very much, your bug report is valid.
> Though I'm regularly reviewing bugs which I don't think I will ever
> action on, because I have other priorities. I sincerely regret not
> having enough time to deal with them. But then, what do you prefer? That
> I just leave them open forever, and do nothing, or that I'm honest and
> tell you that you should try to discuss with upstream if you want
> something to happen? This bug was opened since 10th of February, and
> since then, I was able to do nothing with it ... :/

Personally I'd rather have valid bugs kept open on the BTS, if not
just for coordination with other affected people. I'm fine waiting,
even years. What's important to me is that I can just check in a
single place (the Debian BTS) for known reported things in Debian.

If then you happen to have the time (or someone else does, like Mika
did here), then the bug can be forwarded, marked as such, and dealt
with either in Debian or upstream, etc. People affected or wanting
or able to help can even provide patches, etc.

The problem with closing valid bug reports is that then they become
invisible. :(


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