Control: retitle -1 m17n-db: Global settings enable unexpected input methods
Control: owner -1 !
Control: tags -1 + upstream
Control: found -1 m17n-db/1.8.0-3

On 29-Jan-2016, Harshula wrote:

> I've added Kenichi (upstream) to this email thread. You can discuss it
> directly with him.

Kenichi, I assume you have now had the opportunity to read this email
discussion (Debian bug#799666 <URL:>).

The bug in global settings – unexpected input methods are default
enabled which mess up keyboard input without explanation – continues
with ‘m17n-db’ version 1.8.0.

What further information do you need to revert this change so that the
database by default enables *no* input methods except those explicitly

 \       “For fast acting relief, try slowing down.” —Jane Wagner, via |
  `\                                                       Lily Tomlin |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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