W dniu 08.12.2020 o 09:06, Ryutaroh Matsumoto pisze:
Hi Debian Arm users,

I tried Bullseye d-i Alpha3 released on December 6 for
building a qemu disk image usable by qemu-system-aarch64.
To me, Alpha 3 d-i seems almost unusable for that purpose.
I filed a report at

If you have interest, please have a look.  Ryutaroh

You have started machine in QEMU without any graphics support and got surprised by lack of graphics?

But even with "-device virtio-gpu-pci" added Bullseye alpha3 installer follows the path of Buster :(

Both standard and graphical installer contain kernel modules for virtio framebuffer. And both ignore video output forcing user to use serial console. Also while 'standard' installer gives "d-i in screen", graphical one gave just d-i on serial console.

/proc/consoles has only ttyAMA0

I used fresh build of upstream EDK2. Command used:

qemu-system-aarch64 \
 -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=QEMU_EFI.fd \
 -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=QEMU_EFI-vars.fd \
-drive if=virtio,format=raw,readonly=on,media=cdrom,file=debian-bullseye-DI-alpha3-arm64-netinst.iso \
 -device virtio-gpu-pci \
 -device qemu-xhci,id=usb \
 -usb \
 -device usb-kbd \
 -device usb-tablet \
 -machine virt,gic-version=3,iommu=smmuv3  \
 -cpu max  \
 -smp 2 \
 -m 4096  \
 -monitor telnet::45454,server,nowait \
 -serial stdio

I gave up on getting sane installer experience in Debian/arm64.

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