Dear Yvan,

On Tue, Dec 01, 2020 at 11:46:08AM +0100, Yvan Masson wrote:
>   smtpd[473]: pony express: listen: Address already in use

Could you please send me a copy of /etc/smtpd.conf? In particular, I'm
curious what "listen on" stanzas you have?

Also, could you please send the verbose output of opensmtpd starting up
at boot? It should be sufficient to

1) Edit /lib/systemd/system/opensmtpd.service and change
        ExecStart=/usr/sbin/smtpd -v
2) systemctl daemon-reload
3) reboot
4) Extract the verbose output from the failed start. I think the
   following should do it:
        journalctl -b -0 "_SYSTEMD_UNIT=opensmtpd.service"


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