The latest upload fails test on more architectures, making me suspect
that fancy new compiler tech may be involved. Chained floating point
operations keeping guard digits inappropriately or something like
that, perhaps.

In all bad cases, test0 passes, and both test1 and test2 fail, both with:

clippolytest: void recursive_intersection(const
hvec2_t&, const hvec2_t&, const hvec2_t&, const hvec2_t&, hvec2_t&):
Assertion `inp_ort(q,s1) <= 0' failed.

This is the same assertion that failed on a single platform (Longsoon)
years ago, reported in 762669, so I'm tempted to merge the reports.

Not sure what the next step should be. This may require attention from
someone who understands the bit-level float hackery being used, which
is pretty specialised stuff.

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