>>>>> "Ross" == Ross Vandegrift <rvandegr...@debian.org> writes:
    > [...]
    > Oh sorry, I misunderstood your first message - apologies!  Is
    > there any chance that you only see this behavior after a
    > suspend/resume cycle?
    > If I suspend by closing my lid on bullseye, I get a cycle of
    > suspend & unsuspend that takes ~20-30 seconds each time.  I
    > haven't really tried to track down a cause since I normally
    > suspend using the menu anyhow.  That's the only remote similar
    > issue I've ever seen.

First thanks for hangin on.  And no, it's definitely not in a suspend/resume 
cycle--i cold boot into the system, and the problem is there.  Still not 
understood, especially the strange flicker between screen on and off.  But as 
I'm not a LCD technician I haven't a clue, if this is just backlight off or 
whatever effect it may be.  But as stated before, the LCD display is black, but 
all standard 7 VTs are there and listening to my entries via keyboard--well 
confirmed I have so far VT1 to VT3, but I don't suppose it could be different 
on VT4 to 6.  Presumably VT7 is working too, but that is a wee bit difficult to 
test without seeing the mouse pointer.

In the past I had some difficulties with a certain release of i can't really 
remember, i think it was aptitude back then, which after some package updates 
stopped working properly.  Some people from the debian response team said they 
were surprised that my system was working at all, because of some very old 
packages combined with a lot of the testing suite.  They suggested to upgrade 
the whole system.  After that, aptitude worked.  And yes, this might be some 
sort of solution in this case as well.  But I still doubt that this Windows 
kind of solution is the ultimate debian way: Reinstall.

Unfortunately the e documentation is extremely terse.  And again unfortunately, 
the logs in .xsession-errors and other Xorg logs are not very distinct 
regarding possible reasons of the problem, everytime it stops at a different 
line.  Well long story short term, I had hoped You might be able to isolate 
something from these logs with more insight than my humble self.

Brgds, e.

      //       enno....@gmx.net
    /\\\       Mag. Enno Deimel
  .\    o
 \\  \ _  \    Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast.
\\\     \_/
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