Hi Matija,

On Tue, 2020-12-29 at 18:50 +0100, Matija Nalis wrote:
> As for hard coding, those paths are ALREADY hard-coded at least forIntel
> architectures (amd64, i386), for example:
> That hard-coded paths seem to already be auto-generated on build somehow.
The file names /etc/fpc-${version}.cfg is generated automatically by postinst
script using fpcmkcfg tool that is shipped with the compiler.
So it is somewhat not hard coded, even if with time it will become wrong (for
example after a distupgrade)
> Note that current values also seem wrong if one is using multiarch /cross-
> compiling; as a path for "ifdef cpui386" should probably bedifferent than than
> the one for "ifdef cpux86_64".
Yes this is true, and is probably fixable by hacking in fpcmkcfg tool.
The fix should use variables recognized by the compiler (like $fpctarget) in
order to support correctly multi-arch.
I'll have a deeper look on that as it looks quite serious.
-- Cheers,
Abou Al Montacir

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