Hello Louis-Philippe,

Am 28.12.20 um 19:41 schrieb Louis-Philippe VĂ©ronneau:
> hiera is now part of puppet and shouldn't be shipped in Bullseye. Please
> drop the dependency on it.

this whole package is completely depending on the availability of the
hiera binary itself.

> Looking at the upstream code, it seems your package calls the hiera
> executable directly.


> You thus won't be able to make this change before #924409 is fixed
> and the puppet package starts shipping the new hiera executable.

What will happen to the hiera binary? How will it get packaged? I'm not
deep in the Puppet world but my expectation is simply that a somehow
hiera called binary will always be available.
Unfortunately I can't see in the linked bug report what is planned and
what will happen.

We are using python3-hiera within a project on my day job for exact that
reason, we only need the additional hiera package without for required
packages. We want to to read YAML data without the need for a full
Puppet stack installation.

If some other Python3 based package is fulfilling that requirement too,
read YAML data and searching for values directly I'm happy to drop
python3-hiera in the Debian archive and use some other option.


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