On Thu, Jan 07, 2021 at 11:34:44PM -0800, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> On 2021-01-07, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > Might it be possible to get a u-boot-xen-arm64 package built?  While
> > "PyGRUB" is great for Linux, it isn't so good for booting other OSes.
> Do you mean:
> https://gitlab.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/blob/master/doc/board/xen/xenguest_arm64.rst
> This doesn't describe how to use it or, importantly, what files we would
> need to ship in the package. If you could help clarify that (possibly
> provide a patch), and ideally get it clarified in the upstream
> documentation, then I would think we would be able to ship such a
> package.

I'm less than 100% sure myself.  :-)

Most likely you simply configure xenguest_arm64_defconfig, build the
configuration and the package would be the copyright plus one output

In order to use this you setup a VM/domain configuration file where the
single output file is specified as the "kernel" parameter.  This would
cause the U-Boot image to be loaded as if it was an OS kernel and be
loaded into the resultant VM and started.  Then in theory U-Boot loads
configuration parameters from VM disk devices as it normally would.

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