Hi Xavier,

Thank you for caring about removal of dead code from Debian.

Le 12/01/2021 à 06:41, y...@debian.org a écrit :

php-codecoverage build depends on node-uglify which is deprecated and
will be removed from bullseye (#958117)

It’s a bit sad to have this reported so late in the release cycle (*after* the freeze started), but it would have been nice to have those bugs marked as blocking #958117 or the RM one (or both) to offer some visibility on the viability of that goal.

FWIW, I already fixed #979960 in spip, and staged the fix for the current bug in the VCS (if all goes well, finger crossed, phpunit will soon migrate to testing, and then I’ll be happy to upload the fix, but I really don’t want to delay the phpunit migration with all its stack any longer).



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