On Wed, 13 Jan 2021 11:25:26 +0100 Christian Perrier 
<christian.perrier.1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Version: 20.21~bpo10+1
> ...
> Anyway, the problem is simple : when launching the initial setup wizard,
> the screen doesn't for further than the welcome screen. The page reload
> every 5 seconds or so, I left it doint this for hours, filling up my
> Apache logs....but nothing more happens.

Can you please check the logs of plinth service?
E.g. run "journalctl -u plinth" as root, and look for any repeating error 

> -- System Information:
> Distributor ID:       Raspbian
> Description:  Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

Could you please share how you installed freedombox package?

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