On 2021-01-16 14:35:54, Stefano Rivera wrote:
> Hi Emmanuel (2020.10.26_11:37:19_-0700)
>> > > I created this salsa repo
>> > > https://salsa.debian.org/python-team/packages/python-mitogen
>> >
>> > Are you okay if I start pushing changes there directly? I'll ping you
>> >
>> yes of course start pushing :D
>> I'm in IRC as eamanu
> Pushed some packaging.
> Listed everyone who expressed interest in this thread as Uploaders.
> Notable bits of my packaging:
> 1. I broke the package into two binary packages: python3-mitogen and
>    ansible-mitogen.
> 2. Symlinked the strategies into ansible.plugins.strategies, so that no
>    configuration is required to make them available.
> 3. Removed the (Python 2.4 compatibility) vendored simplejson module. It
>    can't be parsed python 3.9, which breaks tooling in a couple of
>    places. Simpler to remove it.
> I'll upload this to NEW, shortly.

Awesome stefanor, thanks!

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