Control: severity -1 normal

On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 08:28:22AM +0100, Bruno Kleinert wrote:
> Hi,
> please find attached a patch. If Julian or nobody else objects or jumps
> in, I can NMU in about one week.

Did you test it? I don't think this works, this is probably still the
old version that actually needs key server functionality (dirmngr and
gnupg), and I absolutely do not want to depend on those.

I also don't think this is a release critical bug - the script is not
the main attraction, it does not produce immediate useful results on
Debian anyway if you add a PPA, given that the PPAs do not exist for
Debian in the first place, and other uses do not involve that codepath

Anyhow, this email was the first time I heard about this bug, and it did
not provide any context (and I can't open attachments on my phone), so I
was a bit unhappy, and I did not have a lot of time to dig into it yet.

My advise for future NMU emails: Please keep the original bug subject in
the subject, and quote the bug report so readers can make sense out of
it without having to search for the bug in the BTS.

We really ought to update software-properties to the Ubuntu 20.04
version rather than try to ship the 16.04 one - it's 5 years old by now.
I have no idea what happened here that we're still on the old version, I
did upload the 18.04 one to experimental 2 years ago.

This also fixes this bug because it now talks to the keyserver directly,
and drops the file into trusted.gpg.d.

Generally, please: If I have not answered you for a month, your email
was lost, if it's still a problem, please ping me.

debian developer - | - free software dev
ubuntu core developer                              i speak de, en

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