Thanks for the prompt reply; discussion follows.

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Jan 2021, Trent W. Buck wrote:
>> A minimum recipe to reproduce this is:
>>     $ mmdebstrap sid sid.tar.zst \
>>           --components='main contrib non-free' \
>>           --include=intel-microcode \
>>           --essential-hook='>$1/etc/default/intel-microcode echo 
>>           --verbose
>>     [...]
>>     Setting up intel-microcode (3.20201118.1) ...
>>     Configuration file '/etc/default/intel-microcode'
>>      ==> File on system created by you or by a script.
>>      ==> File also in package provided by package maintainer.
>>        What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:
>>         Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version
>>         N or O  : keep your currently-installed version
>>           D     : show the differences between the versions
>>           Z     : start a shell to examine the situation
>>      The default action is to keep your current version.
> That is a DPKG prompt, about a changed "conffile".  You need to tell
> dpkg what it should do when it detects that a "conffile" has been
> changed [prior to installation of a package].  Keep in mind dpkg also
> prompts for this when a package upgrade changes a conffile that has been
> locally modified.
>> ALLEGEDLY when DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive (which mmdebstrap does),
>> that prompt should not appear, and method [A] should Just Work.
> dpkg is not debconf (which responds to DEBIAN_FRONTEND), it is far more
> low-level / basic.
>> I can't see anything in /var/lib/dpkg/info/*microcode*inst that
>> looks relevant, so maybe this is a dpkg issue?
> It is an issue on how mmdebstrap and other such utilities interact with
> dpkg and user-modified conffiles, yes.  And it affects every package
> that uses conffiles.

Thanks, I did not realize DEBIAN_FRONTEND= only affected debconf.

> Your options are in the dpkg manpage, and I don't know how you'd tell
> mmdebstrap how to specify them.

OK, I think you are referring to --force-{confold,confnew,confdef}.

If I add force-confold to /etc/dpkg.cfg.d/blah it does indeed bypass this 

(force-confold feels a bit brute-force -- since there's only a single
"apt-get install" call, it applies to everything -- but I guess it's
no worse than DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive.)

I'll move this over to the mmdebstrap package so the mmdebstrap
maintainer can set dpkg force-confXXX next to
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive --- or at least document the issue in
the mmdebstrap manpage.

(Maybe this is already documented for debootstrap in
installation-guide-amd64 and I just never found it?)


    twb@not-omega:~$ mmdebstrap sid sid.tar.zst --components='main contrib 
non-free' --include=amd64-microcode 
'--essential-hook=>$1/etc/default/amd64-microcode echo 
AMD64UCODE_INITRAMFS=yes' --verbose --dpkgopt=force-confold 
--customize-hook='cat $1/etc/default/amd64-microcode'
    I: running --essential-hook in shell: sh -c 
'>$1/etc/default/amd64-microcode echo AMD64UCODE_INITRAMFS=yes' exec 
    Setting up amd64-microcode (3.20191218.1) ...

    Configuration file '/etc/default/amd64-microcode'
     ==> File on system created by you or by a script.
     ==> File also in package provided by package maintainer.
     ==> Using current old file as you requested.
    I: running --customize-hook in shell: sh -c 'cat 
$1/etc/default/amd64-microcode' exec /tmp/mmdebstrap._D0TIGFL66
    I: success in 36.8867 seconds

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