Hello Jonas,

On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 11:27:22AM +0100, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Version: 3.0.6-1
> Hi Andreas,
> Radicale now includes a systemd service file, [...]

Thanks for taking care of this! I had a quick look at the current
status and here are a couple of things I noticed that you might
want to look into:

1. See `lintian -i radicale*.deb`

2. The service file uses `ExecStart=/usr/bin/env ...` which to me
   seems completly futile and wasteful, given that systemd will
   give you a clean environment every time there should be no
   surprises what the outcome of /usr/bin/env will be and you
   could just invoke /usr/bin/python3 directly and skip wasting
   time on the env processing and extra exec call to kernel.
   (Never versions of systemd, not sure which version, would also
   allow you to just `ExecStart=python3 ...` as well. Not sure if
   a new enough version of systemd is already in stable for this
   otherwise you would need a versioned dependency which isn't very
   nice to have to carry...)

3. You might want to discuss with upstream either about upstreaming
   your service file (they are supposed to be distribution agnostic,
   unlike init scripts) or see if they maybe already offer a service
   file you can install instead of using a debian-specific one and 
   maintaining it yourself.

PS. Nice to see you're using the security related options!

Andreas Henriksson

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