severity 973474 grave

Upgrading the bug severity since it requires killing one's session to
recover from, taking all unsaved work with it.

I installed Debian testing today in a VM and have the same problem in the
GNOME+X11 session.
When I type the wrong password in the lock screen, there is a spinner and
after a few seconds an error message.
When I type the correct password, it *immediately* goes back to asking for
the password.
I can CTRL+ALT+F2 to log in at a text console to debug this, but I'm not
sure how to go about this. "DISPLAY=:0 xlsclients" does not show a
screensaver process running. Is the locking done by gnome-shell itself
these days?
I do not see anything related in syslog. Attaching a screenshot of what was
logged while I switched to the locked session, attempted a login, and
switched back to text console, in case someone wants to take a look.

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