Hello Simon,

Thank you for the attention to this bug!

Our DE is Mate. Probably, the problem is related to the mix of components ?

Here is the output (I do not remember to have to change the permissions of 
ls -l /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1143712 Mar 11  2020 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon

getcap /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon
/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon cap_ipc_lock=ep

In journalctl there are a lot messages from systemd or dbus-daemon, like 
"dbus-daemon[970]: [session uid=1000 pid=968] Successfully activated service 
'org.mate.panel.applet.ClockAppletFactory'" or "systemd[902]: Started Sound 

Concerning gnome-keyring-daemon, here is the output of journalctl for all 
possible package versions:

(version 2.66.4-3, bug appears)
Jan 30 14:26:13 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[920]: couldn't connect to dbus 
session bus: Cannot spawn a message bus when setuid
Jan 30 14:26:13 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[920]: couldn't connect to dbus 
session bus: Cannot spawn a message bus when setuid
Jan 30 14:26:14 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[920]: couldn't connect to dbus 
session bus: Cannot spawn a message bus when setuid
Jan 30 14:26:14 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[920]: The SSH agent was already 
Jan 30 14:26:14 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[920]: The PKCS#11 component was 
already initialized
Jan 30 14:26:39 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[920]: couldn't connect to dbus 
session bus: Cannot spawn a message bus when setuid

(version 2.66.4-1, no bug)
Jan 31 18:13:23 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[2054]: The Secret Service was 
already initialized
Jan 31 18:13:23 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[2054]: The SSH agent was already 
Jan 31 18:13:23 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[2054]: The PKCS#11 component was 
already initialized

(version 2.66.4-3+revert981420targeted, no bug)
Jan 31 18:31:57 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[924]: GLib-GIO: Not suppressing use 
of DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS because not setuid, even though AT_SECURE
Jan 31 18:31:57 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[924]: The Secret Service was 
already initialized
Jan 31 18:31:57 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[924]: The SSH agent was already 
Jan 31 18:31:57 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[924]: The PKCS#11 component was 
already initialized

(version 2.66.4-3+revert981420dbus, no bug)
Jan 31 18:36:50 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[920]: The Secret Service was 
already initialized
Jan 31 18:36:50 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[920]: The SSH agent was already 
Jan 31 18:36:50 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[920]: The PKCS#11 component was 
already initialized

(version 2.66.4-3+revert981420dbus, no bug)
Jan 31 18:39:09 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[905]: The Secret Service was 
already initialized
Jan 31 18:39:09 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[905]: The SSH agent was already 
Jan 31 18:39:09 big-pc gnome-keyring-daemon[905]: The PKCS#11 component was 
already initialized

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,
Charles Malaheenee

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