Control: tag -1 - moreinfo


High-level note: I lack knowledge to evaluate this proposal in terms
of debhelper integration. I'd be grateful if Niels could take a look :)

Andrej Shadura (2021-02-05):
> I’ll start with explaining the idea.

Awesome, thanks, it helps a lot!

> The status quo is:
> * Each profile needs to be installed manually
> * dh_apparmor needs to be told which profiles to use
> * dh_apparmor needs to be told to only run on specific packages
> * override_* or execute_after_* are mandatory

We're on the same page here.

More generally, it is seriously sub-optimal that using dh_apparmor
requires programming, as opposed to using a declarative syntax (for
non-obvious cases) and auto-detection (for obvious cases).

> My proposal is:
> * For dh compat level <= 13:
>   - allow running dh_apparmor without arguments;
>   - without arguments, scan binary packages for apparmor profiles and use 
> their names automatically
>   - dh_apparmor can be enabled with --with=apparmor or B-D: 
> dh-sequence-apparmor
>   - without arguments, dh_apparmor only generates maintainer scripts for 
> packages with apparmor profiles
>   - with arguments, dh_apparmor does everything like it does now, no changes
> * For dh compat level 14:
>   - as above, but with arguments, only generate maintainer scripts for the 
> corresponding binary packages

> The above will allow processing apparmor profiles without extra
> rules in d/rules, while maintaining compatibility with
> existing packages.

I understand that at a higher level, for the simplest cases this
translates into something like this:

  As a maintainer
  When I ship an AppArmor profile in a binary package
  And I enable the dh_apparmor debhelper sequence
  Then the dh_apparmor machinery Does The Right Thing™ without further 

As a maintainer, I think it's awesome!

It may be worth specifying behavior for one corner case:
what happens if a "-p PACKAGE" argument is passed?

Possible improvements for further iterations, definitely not blocking
this plan IMO, i.e. food for future thought:

 - Either drop support for --profile-name or, if for some reason it's
   still needed, support declarative syntax to configure it.

 - Consider enabling dh_apparmor by default (and provide means to
   disable it, either entirely or on a per-profile basis with
   declarative syntax).


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