reopen 981679


In data giovedì 11 febbraio 2021 10:18:14 CET, Aurélien COUDERC ha scritto:
> control: fixed -1 4:5.6.2-4
> Thanks for the follow up.
> Closing as per your request.
> What I read from upstream git log is that the commit you mention is on master 
> and the fix was actually backported to the 5.6 branch as 
> 4688d626c145711e35f3676dbd4c827b3b2ea7f6.

The upload of kdevelop 4:5.6.2-4 fixes what Justin reported, i.e. that
the clang plugin cannot parse the clang version string in more recent
Debian clang versions. The original problem, though, is totally
different: the clang plugin hardcodes the clang include directory and
the clang version and, while it appears to have some logic to handle
runtime version bumps, it seems it cannot fully cope with this
situation. It looks like there is no more issue simply because the
upload of kdevelop 5.6.2 (starting with 4:5.6.2-1) rebuilds with the
latest clang, so it makes the problem "go away" until the next time
the default clang version (currently 11) is updated in Debian.
Because of this, the actual problem reported in this bug report
*is* still valid, and I hope upstream can do something about it so
we (in Debian) don't get breakages on clang version bumps. Luckly,
I did changes in the packaging so it is possible to binNMU (i.e. a
plain no-changes rebuild) kdevelop in such situations, and the rebuilt
kdevelop will not migrate to testing until the newer clang version
migrated too; it is mostly a workaround though.

Julien: while I thank you for spotting the issue with the parsing of
clang version string, I strongly recommend you to report *new* bugs for
problems different that what reported. It is always easier to merge
bugs in case they are actually the same issue, while adding different
and unrelated issues to a bug makes it really hard to properly track
what is fixed and what is not.

Pino Toscano

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