On 2/24/21 12:58 AM, Kai Pastor, DG0YT wrote:
> Am 23.02.21 um 19:53 schrieb Sebastiaan Couwenberg:
>> It's good practice to include the Find modules for any dependencies that
>> are not part of cmake itself to not need upstream projects to install
>> cmake modules for them.
> I think it is deprecated legacy practice, not good practice. Find
> modules are poorly standardized, poorly maintained, and poorly tested.
> It would be much better to provide PROJ config files as soon as
> possible, instead of letting more developers start using PROJ with
> non-standard find modules picked from random internet locations.
> I wonder if there is a blocker for building debian PROJ with CMake. I
> build PROJ for Android, macOS, Windows from Debian tarballs - with
> cmake, not using debian/rules.
> https://github.com/OpenOrienteering/superbuild/blob/master/proj-7.1.1.cmake

Switching from autotools to cmake is generally a regression, cmake
doesn't handle multiarch as well, and because it uses absolute paths
instead of relative paths it hinders reproducible builds.

See the recent discussion on the geos-devel lists for example:


> The CMake build of PROJ doesn't seem to provide a pkgconfig file, but
> even for mips64el, the single proj.pc looks much less complex than the
> set of cmake config files, or the patch proposed for FindProj4.cmake.

We're not going to switch to cmake for the proj package as long as
autotools is supported, because that is the best build system from a
packaging point of view.

The best solution for downstream projects not wanting to include their
own FindProj modules is to update the autotools build system to also
install the cmake bits. Perhaps you can provide a patch for that which
PROJ upstream can merge?

Kind Regards,


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