Evgeni Golov dixit:

>>>, exactly because neither the old nor the new configuration is in a
>>>state where it's supposed to work out of the box.
>>But why? The pre-YAML thing *did* work out of the box, very finely
>>so, and I only changed the config one hot summer to have a little
>>more quiet. This worked for *years*.
>If you happen to have a ThinkPad with exactly the same sensors like the
>author had when the example was written, you were just lucky.

Oh, WTF? Really? I thought the config was just to change defaults or
when there are problems, and to adjust the temperature levels, and
it would figure out which Thinkpad it’s run on and work out suitable
settings, after all, there are only so many models out there, and fans
are probably identical (or at least mapped to the same kernel devices)
on many of those.

That will need thought. It’s still leaving me with an upgrade problem.
My old config was literally just…

$ sed -e 's/#.*//' -e '/^ *$/d' /etc/thinkfan.conf
(0, 0, 58)
(1, 47, 60)
(2, 55, 66)
(5, 60, 77)
(7, 70, 32767)

… modulo comments, and the new one doesn’t work, and I don’t even
know what I’m supposed to put where. Perhaps upstream has some kind
of list what model needs which settings? Also, YAML is such a weird
format unfriendly to human editing…

… but I’ve got a local workaround for now.

<cnuke> den AGP stecker anfeilen, damit er in den slot aufm 440BX board passt…
oder netzteile, an die man auch den monitor angeschlossen hat und die dann für
ein elektrisch aufgeladenes gehäuse gesorgt haben […] für lacher gut auf jeder
LAN party │ <nvb> damals, als der pizzateig noch auf dem monior "gegangen" ist

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