Control: tags -1 +pending

Le vendredi, 26 février 2021, 15.41:07 h CET Bernhard Übelacker a écrit :
> Dear Maintainer,
> with the original PPD and input files from Ian I could
> reproduce the issue and with the help of rr-debugger
> this is what I assume what happens:
> - The buffer m_pPrinterBuffer is allocated here with
>    the current sizes inside cups_header. [1]
> - The first page got processed and for the second page
>    a new cups_header record gets copied. [2]
>    Unfortunately now the header contains higher sizes,
>    but the buffer is not grown accordingly.
> - Now to this buffer is written by a read function, and beyond
>    where the management information of malloc got overwritten for
>    some other random memory. [3]
> - The defect in the management information of malloc is detected
>    and the process is aborted. [4]
> The attached patch is an attempt to grow the buffer size
> if the header changes on a new page.
> This is just tested for the given crash, nothing more, therefore
> there might be side effects on replacing this buffer?

I have forwarded this upstream, but don't hold your breath; I don't expect any 
feedback from them, sadly. :-(

I'll apply this and upload to unstable once the current version migrated.

Thanks a lot for your work!


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