
> I tried to do something simple with pdfxup, but I don't manage to get
> anything off it :
> jpuydt@phaeris:/tmp$ LANG=C pdfxup -l 28-11-2020-attestation-de-
> deplacement-derogatoire.pdf 28-11-2020-attestation-de-deplacement-
> derogatoire.pdf -o attestation.pdf
> /usr/bin/pdfxup: line 360: [: 9.53: integer expression expected
> /usr/bin/pdfxup: line 361: [: 9.53: integer expression expected

Sorry for my late answer. Two comments on this problem:

1) currently pdfxup does not handle several input files. Everything
after the first PDf file is omitted. So the command above would work,
but would be equivalent to

$ pdfxup -l 28-11-2020-attestation-de-deplacement-derogatoire.pdf

2) I cannot reproduce the bug. Apparently, it occurred with v1.60 (lines
360-361 test the version number of ghostscript). It seems that your bash
does not correctly interpret "${GSVERSION%.*}", which should return "9".
Could you try (in bash)

$ GSVERSION=9.53; echo "${GSVERSION%.*}"



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